A‐OK 20

Arterial Fluids

20 index oil based arterial fluid that penetrates tissue with the end result being a pliable texture by touch and a pleasing external color by sight.

Care 18

Arterial Fluids

18 index oil based arterial fluid containing four special cosmetic oils, offering light pink cosmetic color.

Care 25

Arterial Fluids

25 index oil based arterial fluid containing four special cosmetic oils, offering light pink cosmetic color.

Energized 36

Arterial Fluids

36 index oil based arterial fluid for the difficult case. Penetrates without swelling.

Fastex 30

Arterial Fluids

30 index arterial fluid with fast tissue fixation and a warm cosmetic tone.

Firmoyl Plus 25

Arterial Fluids

25 Index oil based arterial fluid with a radiant color and controlled firming.

Juandibalm 10

Arterial Fluids

10 index arterial fluid that produces firmness while eliminating yellow pigment discoloration and restores internal cosmetic color.

NXT 30

Arterial Fluids

30 Index fast firming arterial fluid with an added cucumber melon scent to making the working area more pleasant. Perfect for cases requiring fast firming or post cases that have been refrigerated a long time or post viscera treatment.

Powertone 36

Arterial Fluids

Powertone Vivid 36

Arterial Fluids

36 index arterial fluid that can handle the demands of the most difficult case. Imparts a red color.


Arterial Fluids

Restoratone Co-Injection PW0118500 A great year-round additive to help reduce dehydration caused by air movement. Contains a powdered gum additive that stores water and holds many times its weight in moisture. Add 6-8 oz to your last tank of fluid.

Traumacare 30

Arterial Fluids

30 index arterial fluid with fast tissue fixation. Formulated with a non staining dye which helps simplify cosmetics. Great for difficult cases involving trauma or bodies that have been refrigerated for long periods of time.

Triton 28

Arterial Fluids

28 index oil based arterial fluid that is our best seller. Provides superior results and also aids in the prevention of tissue gas when conditions are abnormal.

Triton Ultra 28

Arterial Fluids

28 index oil based arterial fluid that is our best seller. Provides superior results and also aids in the prevention of tissue gas when conditions are abnormal.

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